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Coach Andy GallagherCoach Andy Gallagher
/Workout of the Week

Workout of the Week #7 (core/hips)

5.0|35 min
Abs & Core
Upper Body
Lower Body
Full Body
All Levels
This workout can be done anywhere you have some space to move your body. All you need is your body and a few mini bands. It is a core and hips focused workout. Do this workout in a circuit. So complete one round of each exercise and repeat two more time for a total of three rounds. Take minimal rest in between exercises and 60 seconds rest after each round. Start with the warmup: 3 minutes of walkout to worlds greatest stretch Circuit: 1. Banded Bear crawl clam shells (12reps/side) 2. Banded standing marches (10 reps/side) 3. Banded Superman’s (15 reps) 4. Plank with banded leg lifts (10 reps/side) 5. Floor Copenhagens w/static band March (30 seconds/side) Let’s go!!

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