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Coach Andy GallagherCoach Andy Gallagher
/Workout of the Week

Workout of the week #10 (bands)

5.0|30 min
Abs & Core
Upper Body
Lower Body
Full Body
All Levels
This is a full body circuit. Perform one set of each exercise and then repeat for 3 more rounds for a total of 4 rounds. Take minimal rest between each exercise and 60 seconds rest after each round. Circuit: 4 rounds 1. Resistance band seated rows (15 reps) 2. Banded Stepback lunge and press (10 reps R, 10 reps L, 20 presses in total) 3. Single arm plank with band pull through (10 reps R, 10 reps L) 4. Band resisted bird dogs (12 reps R, 12 reps L) Let’s go!!!💪🏼 Check out this link for our recommended at-home/ on the go fitness equipment, including the bands pictured in the workout:

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